Raising Up: Women

Raising Up: Women of India is the first in a global series on the social and economic status of women. The program premiered on WETA and has been broadcast on PBS nationwide and on the BBC worldwide. Raising Up: Women of India was awarded the prestigious CINE Golden Eagle Award for documentary analysis in broadcast. It was previewed at the National Press Club to honor International Women's Day and at the United Nations International Women's Day lunchtime screening, as well as headlining the International Finance Corporation's International Women's Day event.

Universities and colleges around the globe are using Raising Up: Women as curriculum in international development and gender studies classes. Public libraries across the United States include the program in their collections for educational and entertainment value.

The Raising Up: Women documentary program series emphasizes the cultural and historical traditions of women worldwide, as well as social and economic factors, including the global battle against poverty.

Voyage Productions, LLC will contribute $1.00 from the purchase of each copy of this program to the United Nations Fund. The fund is designed to help cut poverty in half, empower women worldwide by 2015, increase education for needy girls and money for maternal health.

For international shipping please contact Voyage Productions directly.

Purchase this DVD to begin your voyage into the changing lives of women in India for $20.00 U.S. plus $4.95 for shipping and handling in the U.S. Overseas rates apply. $1.00 from this sale will be contributed to help further the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to halve worldwide poverty by 2015.

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